Volunteer With Us


    The  REFUGee Volunteer recruitment program

    Volunteers are the backbone of many refugee relief programs around the globe. The world has become uncertain for many people who have lost family members, homes,  social infrastructures, and their livelihood as a result of war and civil unrest. Without the dedication and various forms of assistance provided by volunteers, circumstances could be far worse for many more individuals and families. Go Project Hope: A Health and Education Initiative (GPH)  has collaborated with a number of volunteer groups to provide a recruitment platform for candidates to register for volunteer opportunities worldwide.

    Volunteering provides candidates with the opportunity to experience first hand the extent at which world events affect individuals and families at home and abroad. Candidates will be given a chance to meet amazing people from around the world who also value the importance of offering specific skillsets to helping those in need. Candidates will be offered a chance to acquire additional skills, network with people associated with numerous international foundations, and connect individually with the people they are serving.

    We are looking for:

    • Translators that can speak; Kurdish, Arabic, Pashto, Dari,or  French language skills
    • Medical professionals, doctors, nurses, PA's, and medical technicians
    • Educators and teachers
    • Volunteers with leadership skills
    • Volunteers to organize and work at events and fundraisers

    Apply Today